Your unfair advantage in crypto:

The Profit Scout algorithms

How to use smart algorithms to outperform Bitcoin
by up to 27x and buy Altcoins at the low and never
miss out on profits again

Ask yourself:

Are you following a proven, tested and successful investment system?
Do you spend less than 10 minutes a day on your investments?
Does your analysis include data that is accurate and reliable?
Is your analysis superior to > 90% of market participants at any point in time over years?

If you can't answer any of these questions with a resounding YES, how can you expect financial freedom through crypto?

Furthermore, are you making any of these common mistakes?

You only get in when you are "sure" that the market is experiencing a bull run and the trend has been running for a long time?
You are sitting out -60% and more corrections?
You buy Altcoins just because they seem cheap due to a -90% crash?
You trust Youtubers and other influencers because they make you feel like trustworthy experts?
You're chasing all kinds of airdrops and staking rewards without questioning whether this is a viable long-term strategy to build real wealth over the long term?

If you recognize yourself in even one of these questions, it's about time to question your strategy.

If you have been able to make profits in crypto despite everything, your success so far is probably just pure coincidence!

What if we left nothing to chance and instead let algorithms crunch reliable data to give us an unfair advantage over the masses?

How important is it for you to follow a reliable plan that gives you the confidence to make decisions that make you financially independent?

The Profit Scout algorithms contain over 7 years of my experience in the crypto markets and over 17 successful years in trading and investing.

It's time to stop leaving your financial freedom to pure luck. Take your wealth creation into your own hands and start now!

Highest precision for buy and sell signals

The Profit Scout algorithms find ideal entry and exit points. We hit exact highs and lows with 90% accuracy! 

Such precision is only possible through the constant algorithmic calculation of data close to the market. This gives us a very high information advantage over the masses at all times and allows us to recognize trends before they become visible to everyone.

It also works for 90% of all altcoins

Here is an altcoin that is known to have little correlation to other altcoins: Solana.

Many Altcoin traders usually record profits only on paper and miss the right exit in time. That is why we have developed the Altcoin Take Profit Scout especially for Altcoins.

Here are our sell signals for Ripple (XRP):

Performance Results

Immense challenges mastered

Developing the Crypto Profit Scout algorithms and designing investment strategies for them cost me at least 2500 working hours and more than 100,000 Euros. In addition, there are several 100k in teaching fees.

You can save all that today and benefit from more than 17 years of experience in investing and trading, more than 7 years of experience with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

Is the investment in Profit Scout algorithms
really justified?

Think about what it costs you not to use the algorithm:

You may waste many years searching for a successfully tested and proven wealth building system.
You lose an enormous amount of money through senseless buying and selling.
By "Hodln" you may gain Fiat, but not Bitcoin!
You continue to waste your precious time watching pointless youtube videos of moon boys.
You're losing an enormous amount of money just from opportunity costs of missing a bunch of sensational buying and selling opportunities.

The operation is very easy

All you need is a free TradingView account. Then you can activate the Profit Scout algorithms with one mouse click.

You don't need any trading knowledge. It is a tool to make better decisions for investments. The time required is therefore with 1-2 hours per month enormously low.

For our Bitcoin signals we have set up Telegram Alerts so that you don't miss any signals.

Fast results

Due to the precision of hitting highs and lows with almost perfect accuracy, positive results can usually be seen after just a few days.

Little time investment

Less is more! The less you trade, the lower your trading costs, your drawdown risk decreases and you will achieve noticeably better results. Trading a lot, working a lot, investing a lot of time = more money is an expensive misconception. 

The most successful investors invest only 1% of their time in buying and selling. 99% of their time is research, analysis and monitoring of their investments. The Profit Scout algorithms take this 99% away from you completely! So you have more time for your business, your family and important things in life and build up wealth at the same time.

What are you waiting for?

Finally make the decisions of master investors and be on the side of the winners in the market.

Increase your Bitcoin and therefore profit disproportionately from the long-term Bitcoin growth.

The path to your financial freedom can only be achieved with an information advantage. With the Profit Scout algorithms, you will be served this on a platter day after day!

BONUS: Bitcoin Risk Heat Map

The blockchain gives us insider information for free. It is a huge gift for everyone. It just needs to be accepted and unwrapped.

The Bitcoin Risk Heat Map evaluates and weights onchain, sentiment data, and key indicators and models to rule out possible false signals from individual data sources or models. 

Imagine being an Apple insider and knowing exactly whether the company is currently overvalued or undervalued. The Bitcoin risk heat map works in a similar way. Except it's 100% legal.

The Bitcoin Risk Heat Map is the ideal tool for any Bitcoin long-term investor to get the current risk/reward profile of Bitcoin at a glance and at any time.

The results speak for themselves

The gains shown above have nothing to do with luck or coincidence. It also doesn't matter if market conditions change, if we are in a bull or bear market. As long as we know exactly how the majority of traders position themselves, we have an advantage.

Take your Bitcoin and Altcoin buying and selling decisions to a new level now:

Not convinced yet?

What active participants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland say about the Profit Scout algorithms:

Wolfgang says:
I've only been with you for three days. But the involved mindset of your existing video course Daniel (already partially twice) completely devoured has now already saved my savings just in time, lets me chilled observe the current situation and awakens the anticipation of "go shopping"!

Huge thanks for this!

Crypto Doc says:
Here an example: if you look in May last year, there was a buy signal at btc. So perfect hit to buy the altcoin again.

Arne says:
Thanks for the food for thought.
Solana habe ich nach einiger Recherche auch gekauft. And Ether I bought as well but a little bit too less.

Benedikt says:
Hey Daniel,

Thanks for the info. I'm already in the members area. I've been following you for a few years now (YT interviews; Telegram etc.). I think that you have the highest competence of all "Social Media's" in the crypto area and that you analyze and interpret the market in a realistic and well-founded way. Therefore great that you now offer such a great product, which is also still 100% in line with my investment thoughts.

I am looking forward to our time together.

Many greetings

Wolfgang says:
Wow, what a great adventure playground (with all seriousness of course!)! Since you Daniel really succeeded again a masterpiece with addictive factor 😜. Top! 👍🏻😎

Alexander says:
I am very happy with the signals, last time bought BTC at 18.7k.

I have now watched all the Sentiment Trader videos and I feel just great about it! The mix of Profit Scout, Heatmap and Sentiment Trader is just perfect to increase your btc holdings in a relaxed way!

LuLu says:
I also used the "Altcoin Take Profit Scout" last night for QNT and sold.

I buy at the moment always small positions when the BTC dips. Also for different coins. Then the days after I check the coins all with the  Altcoin Take Profit Scout and if such a case occurs as with QNT I sell and buy later again after.

The most accurate crypto investment tools
in the world can now work for you:

Think about how much time you save when you leave the analysis of optimal buy and sell prices to professional analysis algorithms. Think about how much less of a headache it is to consider when the right time to buy and sell is.

Do you want to miss the entry or exit again and be angry about not having traded correctly?

Probably not.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is there a minimum term?

No. You can cancel at any time. The cancellation can be made informally in the form of an email, Telegram message or directly to CopeCart (our payment service provider). The cancellation must be made before the end of the selected payment period.

I have hardly any experience in trading cryptocurrencies. Can I still be successful with the "Profit Scout" system?

Yes, you will learn everything you need to know in our video course. It's streamlined and to the point, so you're protected from losses as quickly as possible and can apply the knowledge directly for profits.

I am a total beginner in trading. Is the "Sentiment Trader" nevertheless something for me?

Yes! Basically, you don't even have to understand why signals are fired. All you have to do is follow our signals. It is not necessary to make your own decisions about trading.

Is there a lot to learn before I get started?

We strive to convey information in as condensed a form as possible. With about 20 videos on average á 5 - 10 minutes, our video course is kept lean, so that the knowledge transport is effective.

Do the algos still work at all if they are used by many people?

What about the information advantage?

We only use data that is not subject to alpha decay. This data cannot be manipulated and gives us clear information about what market participants are currently doing at any point in time. It is irrelevant how many people look at this data. If the majority expects prices to rise, we sell and vice versa. As long as people have emotions, our strategy works. 

Is there support?

Yes, you can always use our VIP Telegram group for your questions.

What is the difference between Profit Scout Algorithms and Sentiment Trader?

The Profit Scout algorithms are suitable for the optimal management of your investments in Bitcoin and Altcoins. Investment strategies differ from trading strategies in that positions tend to be held longer. For example, stop loss and take profit strategies of the longer-term time horizon are rather subordinate.

The Sentiment Trader is, as the name suggests, a trading strategy in which besides betting on rising prices (long positions), bets are also made on falling prices (short positions). Profits are realized in shorter periods of time and tight stop loss orders are set.

The Profit Scout algorithms are suitable for the more passive investor with little risk appetite. The Sentiment Trader increases risk for far greater profit prospects. They are simply two different strategies, but both are based on information advantage through data close to the market.

What is the difference between the "Trader" and "Trader Pro" packages?

The "Trader" package includes trading signals for long and short positions, as well as stop loss and take profits for Bitcoin in the daily chart.

The "Trader Pro" package additionally offers the possibility to have all Sentiment Trader signals traded by an automatic trading bot. This means that you do not have to actively do anything yourself. You also get additional signals for Ethereum (ETHUSD), as well as access to the TradingView indicator for the visual representation of the signals.

How does automatic trading work?

Auto-trading is completely under your control. You deposit money on a crypto exchange of your choice and link the account to the signals of our TradingView indicator. How the setup works is explained in detail as a video description within our members area. If you have any questions, you can use our VIP Telegram group.

Don't waste time and start building your wealth now:

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No investment or financial advice. The contents are for information purposes only.